
Gender equality charter

̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Êand Dagenham became the first council in the country to adopt a gender equality charter on 10 March 2016. The charter is a commitment on behalf of the council and our partners to create a fair and just society where people are treated equally, discrimination is tackled and the barriers to achieving equality removed. It places a strong emphasis on ensuring that everyone has the same chance to succeed, however they identify in terms of gender.

As we mark the centenary of when some women first got the right to vote and 50 years since the passing of the Equal Pay Act, we acknowledge that the gender pay gap and other inequalities remain. As a council passionate about and committed to equality, we cannot ignore the issue of inequality; that is why we have driven through this charter.

Gender Equality Charter and plan of action (PDF, 181KB)

Progress report

As a part of women’s empowerment month 2019, a short report has been published to highlight the progress made over the past year, in advancing and promoting gender equality.

Gender Equality Charter - progress report 2019 (PDF, 1.4MB)

Our 2021 update is combined within our Statement of Intent (6MB)

Pledge your support to the Gender Equality Charter

We believe that men and women are equal and no man or woman should face discrimination, abuse or hardship however they identify in terms of gender.

Our ambition is for ̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Êand Dagenham to be a place where people understand, respect and celebrate each other’s differences – where tolerance, understanding and a sense of responsibility can grow and people of all genders can enjoy full equality and fulfil their potential.

In signing the charter we pledge to support everyone in ̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Êand Dagenham to:

  • receive equal pay across all sectors and have equal opportunities to succeed irrespective of their gender
  • achieve equal representation in all walks of life including in communities, politics, business and industry
  • work with schools and colleges to promote gender equality and raise awareness of gender equality issues
  • to stand up against violence against women and girls and ensure everyone understands that such behaviour will not tolerated
  • support those with caring responsibilities and promote equal parenting, care giving and shared responsibilities in the home
  • strive to promote gender equality and equal treatment of women and ensure our own communications support this

We commit to developing and implementing a plan that takes this agenda forward in a meaningful way and reflects the views of local women.

Support the Gender Equality Charter